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Xenos: Book 1 (Paperback) Zobacz większe

Xenos: Book 1 (Paperback)


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Xenos: Book 1 (Paperback)

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Book 1 in the Eisenhorn series


Inquisitor Eisenhorn faces a vast interstellar cabal and the dark power of daemons, all racing to recover an arcane text of abominable power - an ancient tome known as the Necroteuch.


The classic novel returns in a brand new edition. Inquisitor Eisenhorn gathers allies to unravel a conspiracy and hunt an alien threat. Relive the adventures of some of Warhammer 40,000's most beloved characters, or experience the beginning of Eisenhorn's remarkable adventures for the first time


The Inquisition moves amongst mankind like an avenging shadow, striking down the enemies of humanity with uncompromising ruthlessness. When he finally corners an old foe, Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn is drawn into a sinister conspiracy. As events unfold and he gathers allies - and enemies - Eisenhorn faces a vast interstellar cabal and the dark power of daemons, all racing to recover an arcane text of abominable power: an ancient tome known as the Necroteuch.


Written by Dan Abnett