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Ahriman: The Omnibus (Paperback) Zobacz większe

Ahriman: The Omnibus (Paperback)


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Ahriman: The Omnibus (Paperback)

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A Warhammer 40,000 omnibus


Exiled from the Thousand Sons, Ahriman the sorcerer embarks on an epic quest with a single goal: undoing his greatest failure and saving his Legion.


It’s an epic saga of grand ambition that pits one of Warhammer 40,000’s greatest antiheroes against, well, pretty much the entire galaxy, including Space Marines, the Inquisition and his own brothers. Oh yeah, and the primarch Magnus the Red makes a significant appearance…


The name Ahriman has lived in infamy ever since the galactic war of the Horus Heresy. The greatest sorcerer of the Thousand Sons, and protege to the primarch Magnus the Red, Ahriman’s deepest aw is hubris. His mistaken belief in casting the Rubric to cure his Legion of their curse has seen him exiled. Though spurned by his kin, Ahriman has not given up on his quest to restore his brothers from the eshless husks they have become and will brave the worst horrors of the galaxy, and the Eye of Terror itself to obtain the knowledge to achieve it. For to bring about salvation, Ahriman must risk his own further damnation and the wrath of his primarch.


Written by John French


Ahriman: Exile
Ahriman: Sorcerer
Ahriman: Unchanged